Saturday, 12 November 2011


I have experimented with various different elements I wish to include within my music video. The first aspect I have tested is the dance scene, which involves several dancers in the dark, holding torches to illuminate their movements. I wanted to test this idea in order to establish whether the scene would work without any additional lighting and if it would look effective on camera. These are the resulting videos from this experiment.



The first video was filmed in a room with no additional light other than that of the torch. The second video has a small amount of lighting to the side of the person holding the torch. I feel that this video worked best as I can make out the outline of the person holding the torch, unlike within the first video where the only thing visible is the light from the torch. Within my actual video I shall therefore use a slight aspect of additional lighting in order to make visible the silhouette of the dancers. I will use slightly more light intensity than in these video's, however, as neither of them worked particularly well to acheive the exact scene I had imagined.

The second test was simply to establish different backgrounds. A lot of my video will include plain backgrounds in order to contrast with the artist so that they stand out the most within a shot. I took various images of someone against several different backgrounds. I decided that this shot would work best within my video.

However, I also experimented with editing of this particular background in order to see if I could make it look even more effective and constrasting. I used Photoshop in order to adjust the colours and contrasts of the image and to change the colour of the background. Here were the results of my editing:

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